S4: Multisport Blacktown [Tue] Rules


Multisport is a league which requires teams to play in their same team each week, but every week each team is required to compete in different sports, as selected by the League Manager. Below is a summary of each sports rules, and team requirements. This league is a mixed 5-a side league, with most sports requiring 5 players on the court, or field at any one time. All games will run for around 40 minutes.


  • The number of players shall be five (5) players.

  • The team must include a minimum of two (2) male, two (2) female and all remaining players can be any gender including gender diverse people.

  • Substitutes can be used as long as they have created an account and signed the most up to date Urban Rec waiver. During game play, substitutes can be made at any point in the game.



The games are played in two (2) 18 minute halves (with the exception of Netball, Hoopla & Kickball) with a few minutes break at half time.


 The game shall be played on the available courts at our Multisport venue. Any particulars about the court or field will be detailed in the particular sports rule breakdown.


The winner is the team with the greater number of points at the end of the game. A draw will be awarded if both teams have an equal amount of goals. Your Fun Points will affect your position on the standings. If two teams are matched on competition points, the team with the higher fun points average will be favoured up the ladder.



The ball can be advanced up the court with the hands only, either by dribbling or passing to teammates.  


 When the ball is being thrown in from the baseline after a basket has been scored, all defensive players must make their way back to half way before defending. This is also relevant after a defensive rebound or turnover has been made. All decisions and calls on this are at the Event Hosts discretion.


Fouls are penalties assessed for rough play. Fouls are awarded either out of bounds or if in the act of shooting, two (2) free throws are awarded. Players are expected to call themselves when they foul another player, if a player thinks they have been fouled it is then the Event Hosts final call.

Here are a simple list of reasons players would be called for a foul:

  • Blocking – Caused when the defender makes personal contact with an opponent who may or may not have the ball. Blocking is called when the defender impedes the progress of the opponent.

  • Screening – Avoid setting any dangerous screens that may impact a player when they’re not looking. This can cause head clashes and serious injuries.

  • Charging – When an offensive player makes contact with a defender who has already established a set position. A player with the ball must avoid contact with a stationary defender by stopping or changing direction.

  • Contact – Urban Rec is a non-contact sport, any elbowing, pushing, shoving, intense body contact, slapping of hands or holding any players will be deemed a foul & the Event Host has the final say.

  • Blocking Females – Male players are allowed to block a female player’s shot provided the following conditions are met: (1) feet must remain on the ground (i.e. no jumping or leaving the ground); (2) hands and arms must be straight in the air or at 90 degrees; and (3) NO leaning in. If a male player blocks a female player not in adherence to the rules, the basket will count from where the ball was shot from & the player will also receive 1 additional free throw.


The basketball basic rules include numerous ball handling that cause a team to lose possession of the ball. Here are some common violations.

  • Back-court Violation – If (when on offense), you cross the half court line, you cannot bring the ball backwards across the half court line into your defensive end.

  • Double Dribble - When a dribbler touches the ball with both hands at the same time or when the dribbler stops dribbling, holds the ball with two hands and then starts dribbling again.

  • Goal-tending – Occurs when a player touches a shot ball while it is in its downward flight above the rim. It also occurs when a defender touches a free throw attempt outside the basket.

  • Lane Violation – A violation called during a free throw situation against a player who enters the lane too soon.

  • Traveling – A violation caused by moving the feet in any direction without properly dribbling the ball. It results in a turnover, and the ball is given to the opposing team. While holding the ball, a player has to establish a pivot foot which has to remain on the floor at all times until he passes, shoots, or dribbles.



 is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them "OUT". This may be done by:

  • Hitting an opposing player with a LIVE thrown ball

  • Catching a LIVE ball thrown by your opponent before it touches the ground or any other part of a ball or player.

  • A player is eliminated if they drop a ball while attempting to make a catch or a ball is knocked out of their hand by an attacking ball.


The game begins by placing the dodgeballs evenly along the centre line. Players then take a position behind their end line. Following a signal by the Event Host (blowing the whistle or yelling “DODGEBALL!”), teams may approach the centreline to retrieve the balls. Teams can retrieve as many balls as possible. 


There will be a set of cones creating an amount of space from the centre of the court, this is called the Attack Line. Once a ball is retrieved at the beginning of the game it must be taken behind the attack-line by the person who collected it, before it can be legally thrown.


Players are NOT allowed to kick or squeeze the balls so that they impact the shape of the balls. If you tug a ball in the opening rush, with another player both players are required to drop the ball, and let it land where it’s dropped. 


 The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner. If neither team has been eliminated after a decent period, the team with the greater number of players remaining will be declared the winner. Your Event Host will make the call on how much time is left in a game.


During play, all players must remain within the boundary lines. Players may only leave the boundaries to retrieve stray balls. 

  • LIVE BALL: A ball that has been thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, another ball, another player or other item outside of the playing field (wall, ceiling, etc)

  • DEAD BALL: A thrown ball becomes dead if it touches another ball, the floor, walls or any other object (including another player)


is the middle area between the centre line, and attack line. You may enter the dead zone, after the opening rush, but not to cross the centre line after the opening rush is finished. If you cross the centre line, you are out.


If a game goes on continually for a long period of time and there is an even number of players, there begins a Golden Point game. The original six players are welcomed back on the court for a new game, the first person that makes a hit, wins that game for their team. This is at your Event Hosts discretion.


If you catch a ball of the opposing team’s throw, you win another one of your players to enter the field. Players that are eliminated are able to return as a result of a caught ball. Players must return in the order in which they were eliminated – first off is first back on.


 you can use the Dodgeball in your hand/s, as a mechanism to deflect or divert a ball without touching your body. If in the act of deflecting a ball, the ball you were using to shield drops out of your hands, that is a failed deflection, and you are out. 


If a player is hit in the head by a Dodgeball, intentionally, or unintentionally, that player is safe. If the player is intentionally moving their head into the ball, the hit is counted, and the player is out. Continuous head shots by a player will receive a warning by the Event Host and it is then at the Event Hosts discretion if they remove the player from the game.


this technique is used for high risk execution. A player may jump over the middle line, and into the opposition's side, while in the air, the ball they throw must land on another player, before the executor lands on the ground. In doing this technique the player forfeits their position on the court and must immediately go off.


To reduce stalling, a violation will be called if a player holds a ball for more than 20 seconds. The staff will count you down after yelling “Hot Ball” If you still have not thrown the ball after 20 seconds, you will be out.


Players who are not in the game may act as sweepers for their team. They can retrieve balls and roll them back into the court. Balls are to be fed back into the game immediately and not strategically waited to return back into the game.



A game is started by a kick-off in a forward direction from the centre mark. All players must be in their own half before the kick-off can be taken.


There is no offside rule in Street Soccer.


 Everything is in-bounds, unless the ball physically moves outside the area of the pitch (e.g. it is kicked over the top fence or goes into the back netting). The Event Host will have final discretion as to whether the ball is playable or not. 

  • The goal area is the semi-circle in front of the goal posts

  • The goalkeeper must remain within the area always

  • A team is only permitted to swap the goalkeeper at stoppage of play, not when the goalkeeper gets stuck outside the goal circle by their own doing.

  • Only the goalkeeper may touch the ball with their arms or hands, and only within the goal area (not behind the goal circle).


A player may not intentionally kick, trip, jump at, strike, hold, elbow, push, charge from behind or violently charge an opponent. Players should not swear, gesture, or argue with the Event Host or any player. Fouls can be awarded against the player for this behaviour.

  • Players should exercise caution when the ball is in play next to a fence, wall or netting area or in the air. Defenders are responsible for letting the attacker take control of the ball before commencing defence.

  • Any player that compromises the safety of another player will result in a free kick to the opposing team, or may warrant further sanctioning depending on the severity of the offence

  • NO SLIDE TACKLING Slide tackles will result in an indirect free kick for the team and it is up to the Event Host discretion as to whether the player is removed from the game for an amount of time.


For the purposes of our recreational league, all free kicks are indirect.  An ‘indirect’ free kick is one where a goal cannot be scored unless another player other than the kicker has touched it. The free kick is to be taken from the spot where the free kick was awarded.  Free kicks may be awarded for behaviour including, but not limited to the following:

  • Dangerous manner of play 

  • Impeding the progress of an opposition player 

  • Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball

  • Causes unnecessary delays in play

  • Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent

  • Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent

  • Jumping at an opponent

  • Charging an opponent

  • Striking or attempting to strike an opponent

  • Pushing, elbowing or holding an opponent

  • Making contact with an opponent before the ball whilst making a tackle to gain possession of the ball

  • Handling the ball


“Goal kicks” will be in the form of rollout from the goal-keeper.  This goal rollout may be taken from anywhere in the goal area. Opponents must be clear of the goal area.  Goal rolls must be a roll (i.e. not an overhand throw) and must be on the ground.


In the event of a back pass to the goalkeeper, the goal keeper MUST NOT pick up the ball (i.e. it can only be played by the feet)


There are no corner kicks in street soccer, as everything is inbounds.


  • Players who are fielding can field with five (5) players or to the minimum of their opposition if it is more than five (5). e.g If both teams have six (6) players, teams can both field with six (6) players. If a team has five (5) players and their opposition has six (6) players, teams can only field with five (5) players.

  • All players can rotate between kicking, no matter the number of players on each team.


The ‘Pitcher’ rolls the ball towards the home plate, the player who is kicking then attempts to kick the ball. The ball must roll and not be thrown with force towards the person.

Once the player kicks the ball they must attempt to run to the next base without getting out, the main objective is to get to ‘Home Base’.

  • The ball is caught in the air.

  • If the runner is tagged with the ball by a fielder whilst they are not touching a base. The ball is NOT to be thrown at players, tagged only.

  • If the ball is thrown and caught by a fielder that is touching a base, and by the ‘Keeper’ whilst touching ‘Home Base’.

  • If the ball is kicked over the net or fence on the full.

A few things to remember:

  • There is no ‘one hand, one bounce’ rule.

  • Players already on a base cannot leave their base until the kicker has kicked the ball.

  • Fielders need to leave room on the base for runners to touch. They cannot stand fully on the base, only 1 foot can be touching and not blocking the runner from the base in any way.

  • If the kicker is caught out, the remaining players in the field can only attempt to reach the next base (no more than 1 base). Fielders can attempt to get these players out also.

  • If the ball is kicked over the net or fence on the full, the kicker is out automatically.

  • If a ball is kicked and goes past the net (not on the full) then all runners must stop running after they reach their base.



 In Street Netball there are no set positions and no bibs. This means that all players can go everywhere, however, only two (2) shooters and two (2) defenders are allowed in the goal circle at one time. Players need to be aware of their team and how many are in the circle at one time.

 Chart, diagram

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The game is played on either a Netball court or depending on the venue can be played on a Tennis court. There is one goal area, in a half court style of playing area with an activation line. Goals can be shot by any attacking player from within the goal area for one (1) point or outside for three (3) points. Only two (2) attacking and two (2) defending players are allowed in the goal area at any one time. Venue dependant, all games will be played on a netball court, however, if games are played on a tennis court, please see below diagram of how the court will be set out.


(Using a Netball Court) The team starting with the ball at the beginning of each quarter starts play at the halfway point (centre circle). Once the Event Host blows the whistle game will commence and the ball can begin to be passed down the court.


Each team has to cross the activation line (half way), before they become eligible to score. Once the ball has crossed half way they become the attacking team, and they can begin to try and make their way back down the court to score. 


When possession of the ball is turned over the team in possession need to play the ball back over the activation line (half way) before they can try and go for a goal.

  • A team member must catch or land with the ball with both feet on the ground past the activation line (half way) before continuing to play the ball back towards the goal.

  • There will be no stop in play; the team having completed the crossing of the activation line immediately continues playing the ball.

  • If a defending player tips or deflects the ball it is not a turnover unless the other team gets possession.


Once a team scores a goal the opposing team starts with the ball behind the end goal line. They are required to take the ball down the court and across the activation line (half way) before they can attempt to score themselves. This also applies to an intercept, as you can only score once you have crossed the traverse line and gained possession of the court.


  • 3 POINT SHOTS: Must be taken from outside the goal circle only, within the goal third.

  • 1 POINT SHOTS: Must be taken from within the goal circle.

  • NO dunking is permitted and jump shots are at your Event Hosts discretion.

There are two types of penalties in netball, Free Pass & Penalty Pass.
  • is awarded for infringements on the court involving one player. The pass is taken where the infringement occurred by any player who is allowed in the area. The offending player does not have to stand beside the thrower taking the pass. If a free pass is awarded in the goal circle, the shooter may only pass the ball – not shoot for goal.


  •  is awarded for contact, intimidation and obstruction infringements. The pass is taken where the infringer was standing, except if it places the non-defending team at a disadvantage. Any player who is allowed in the area can take the pass. The penalised player must stand “out of play”. That is, beside and away from the player taking the pass and making no attempt to take part in play. This includes directing play, until the ball has left the thrower’s hands. However, the player taking the penalty has the option to either pass the ball immediately, or to wait for the infringer to stand out of play. If a penalty is given to a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter in the goal circle they are awarded a “penalty pass or shot”, meaning they can pass or take the shot from where the penalty was awarded.


Once a player has landed with the ball, the first landed foot is called the grounded foot and must either stay on the ground or in the air until the ball is passed on. Re-grounding that same foot a second time while still in possession of the ball is a step which will result in a free pass to the opposition. Similarly, a hop, slide or drag of the grounded foot is not permitted.


Once the ball has been caught; the player must pass it or shoot for goal within three seconds.


A player with arms extended cannot defend a player with the ball closer than 0.9m (3 feet). This distance is measured from the first landed foot of the attacking player to the nearer foot of the defending player. A player may stand closer to an opponent without the ball provided their arms are not extended, but a player may not use intimidating actions against an opponent with or without the ball. If the defending player has their defensive stance and the attacking player lessens the distance in their throwing or shooting action, then the defending player is not considered to be obstructing because it was the attacking player and not the defending player who shortened the distance.


A player cannot accidentally or deliberately come into contact with another player in a way which impedes their play. For example, pushing, charging, tripping, throwing the body against an opponent or using the ball to push or contact an opponent. Players must not hold an opponent, nor keep their elbows against another player. Players must not run with the arms extended across any player.


A player who has possession of the ball may not bounce the ball and regain possession of the ball (replay it). If a player does not catch the ball cleanly, it may be allowed to bounce once to gain possession or batted or bounced to another team mate. After throwing the ball, a player cannot play it again until it is touched by another player, or rebounds off the goal post. A player cannot:

  • punch, roll, kick or fall on the ball;

  • gain or pass the ball in any way while lying, sitting or kneeling on the ground;

  • use the goal post as a way to regain balance or as a support while stopping the ball from going out of court.

  • When shooting, the ball must touch the goal ring before the player who shot the ball can regain possession again (replay).


 When the ball goes out of court, the Event Host will try to see who made the last touch on the ball. In the circumstance when the Event Host does not see who touched the balls, players should make an honest call themselves. The throw in is then taken by a player from the opposing team close to where the ball went out of court. Standing close to the line from the outside of court, the player has three seconds to get the ball back in play.


– When a player lands on one foot they may step with the other foot, lift the landing foot, but must throw the ball before re-grounding the lifted foot. They may use the landing foot as a pivoting foot, stepping in any direction with the other foot as many times as they wish. Once the pivoting foot is lifted they must pass or shoot before re-grounding this foot.


  •  If a player catches the ball and lands on both feet simultaneously, they may step in any direction with one foot, lift the other foot but must throw or shoot before re-grounding this foot. They may pivot on one foot, stepping in any direction with the other foot as often as they wish. Once the pivot foot is lifted they must throw the ball before re-grounding this foot. They may jump from both feet on either foot, or step and jump but must throw or shoot before re-grounding either foot.


No one except the goalie can stand in the goal area. Players may jump into the area if the ball is released before landing in the area.


A player can run with the ball up to 3 steps & hold the ball for up to 3 seconds. A player can also dribble the ball, however once they stop dribbling, they cannot start again (this is called a double dribble). A player can not dribble the ball through his/her legs and must dribble the ball with a flat hand (not like in Basketball).


 Euro Handball 5s is a non-contact sport. A foul will be called if a defender or attacker initiates contact. Players are not allowed;

  • To endanger an opponent with a ball.

  • To pull, hit or punch the ball out of the hands of an opponent

  • To contact the ball below the hips

  • To dive on the floor for a rolling or stationary ball

  • A penalty shot is awarded when contact is made to a player shooting at goal

Once the offence has stopped dribbling or running with the ball, the defender must be 3 feet away unless standing on the goal circle barrier.


A throw-in is awarded when the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines or when the ball is last touched by a defensive player and goes out of bounds over the endline. When throwing the ball back in the defenders must be 3 metres away.


A goal throw is awarded to the keeper when either, the ball rebounds off the goalkeeper over the endline or the ball is thrown over the endline by the attacking team. A throw in will also take place if the ball makes contact with the roof- the team who did throw the ball takes the throw in.


For a minor foul or violation, a free-throw is awarded to the opponent at the exact spot it took place. Defending players must be 2 at least 3 metres away.


The penalty throw is taken 2 metres from the top of the goal circle. The penalty shot is awarded when:

  • A foul destroys a clear chance to score

  • The goalie carries the ball back into his or her own goal circle

  • A defensive player enters his or her goal area to gain an advantage over an attacking player in possession of the ball

All players must be outside the free-throw line when the throw is taken. The player taking the throw has 3 seconds to shoot after the referee’s whistle.


A player can only pass back to the goalkeeper when the GK is outside the goal area.


  1. The ball must be disposed of correctly by handball or kick in each zone for a goal scoring opportunity to occur.

  2. The kick in after a behind is only permitted to enter the defensive zone.

  3. The minimum distance for a mark to occur is a 5 metre kick. If it is under 5 metres, a call of ‘play on’ occurs.

  4. A player is only permitted to bounce the ball once while they are in possession of the ball. The ball must be bounced once after 15 metres.

  5. If the ball is kicked or handballed over two thirds, a free kick will be awarded to the appropriate team on their defensive third line. 

  1. A turnover occurs in the following instances:

    • When the ball goes out of bounds

    • When the ball touches the ground due to a poor kick, handball or dropped mark. (The only time the ball can touch the ground is from a ball up contest or when a forward is shooting for goal.

  2. If a turnover occurs, the opposing team takes possession of the ball where the ball first touched the ground or went out of bounds.

  3. The nearest player to where the turnover occurs must take possession of the ball. They can dispose by hand or foot if the turnover occurred on field.

  4. The ball must be kicked in from out of bounds. A shot for goal is not permitted.

  5. A ball up occurs if there is any doubt as to which team caused the turnover.

  1. A player must be caught 'holding the ball' by the 'two handed touch' method. No pushing, tackling, bumping or barging is permitted.

  2. If a player is deemed to have had prior opportunity to dispose of the ball, this is considered 'holding the ball' and a free kick is awarded.

  3. If a player is considered to have had no prior opportunity to dispose of the ball the umpire calls ‘Touch’ and the player has 2 seconds to dispose of the ball. If the player is unsuccessful in disposing of the ball after this opportunity, a free kick will be awarded.

  1. A ‘mark’ is awarded if a player controls the ball after it has been kicked a minimum 5 metres without getting touched by another player or hitting the ground.

  2. There is no type of physical contact permitted in a marking contest. The player in front has every chance to mark the ball. A free kick is awarded against any player initiating contact.

  3. An opposition player may stand on ‘the mark’. This is the place where a mark or free kick has been awarded.

  4. The Event Host will call ‘play on’ if it is deemed the player has had reasonable opportunity to dispose of the ball.


The Event Host calls ‘play on’ in the following instances:

  1. When a player who has taken a mark or possession of the ball from a turnover has run over or around ‘the mark’

  2. When the ball has been touched from a kick still yet to hit the ground

The Event Host is permitted to call ‘advantage’ at their own discretion.

  1. The two designated forwards and scoring midfielder are the only players able to score. These players are identified by wearing a coloured sash or bib. A score can only occur through taking a mark, receiving a kick or hand-pass or when they are awarded a free kick.

  2. A scoring player is able to score if they are awarded a 15 metre penalty which takes them into the scoring zone.

  3. A goal or behind can still be awarded if the ball touches the ground directly from a shot at goal by a scoring player. If the ball is touched following the shot at goal, a standard turnover occurs from where the ball was touched. If the ball is touched as a kick is made at goal, a point will be awarded opposed to a turnover if the ball crosses the goal-line. 

  4. A team is not able to score directly from out of bounds or from a turnover.

  5. A team is only able to score inside the forward zone.


This is a strictly a non-contact sport. The following actions (intentional or unintentional) are not permitted:

  • Holding or grabbing an opponent

  • Any form of pushing

  • Spoiling with contact

  • Bumping

  • Barging or shepherding

  • Touching the ball while another player has possession

  • Tripping


  • To start the play, the ball must be snapped to the quarterback 

    • NOTE: If using a female as the snapper, and playing with only 1 female, the female MUST NOT be snapper for subsequent plays.

  • The centre is the player who gives the ball to the quarterback via a snap.

  • The centre cannot take a direct hand off back from the quarterback (no centre sneak play).

  • The quarterback is the player who receives the ball directly from the snap. Only the QB is allowed to receive the snap.

  • The quarterback cannot run with the ball past the line of scrimmage, unless he/she has handed the ball off and it has been returned to him.

  • The Quarterback only has seven (7) seconds in which to pass the ball. Any longer and the play is dead.

  • An offense may use multiple handoffs behind the line of scrimmage. Only backward & lateral handoffs are allowed during the down (as long as it is behind the line of scrimmage).

  • Tosses or sweeps behind the line of scrimmage are allowed and are running plays.

  • Once the ball carrier has crossed the line of scrimmage the ball cannot be handed off, tossed, pitched or passed in any way.

  • "No-running zones," are located at the 5 yard line in front of each end zone. When the ball is on or inside the 5-yard line, the offense cannot run the ball. In other words, at that stage, the only way for the ball to be advanced is for the Quarterback to throw the ball to a receiver.

  • The player who takes the handoff, toss or pitch can throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage.

  • All defensive players are eligible to rush once the ball has been handed off or tossed. Defensive players can cross the line of scrimmage on a fake hand off but still must wait 3 seconds before rushing the quarterback. 

  • Spinning is allowed, but the ball carrier cannot dive forward or jump to avoid a defensive player or gain yardage (no diving).

  • The ball is spotted where the ball carrier's feet are placed when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is.

  • The offensive team will take 1st possession of the ball at its 5-yard line and has four (4) plays to cross midfield. 

  • Once a team crosses midfield, it then has four (4) plays to score a touchdown.  

  • If the offense fails to score, the ball changes possession and the new offensive team takes over on its 5-yard line.  

  • An automatic first down by penalty will overrule the other requirements regarding four (4) plays to make a first down or score.

  • If the offensive team fails to cross midfield, possession of the ball changes and the opposition starts its drive from its 5-yard line.

  • All possession changes, except interceptions, start on the offense’s 5-yard line. 

  • All players are eligible to receive passes (including the quarterback if the ball has been handed off or tossed behind the line of scrimmage to a different player).

  • A player must have at least one foot inbounds when making a reception.

  • Players must wait 3 seconds before rushing the passer.

  • The Quarterback has seven (7) seconds to throw the ball. If a pass is not thrown within seven (7) seconds, the play is dead, with a loss of down and the ball is spotted at the previous line of scrimmage.

  • Only one forward pass thrown from behind the line of scrimmage is allowed in a down.

  • Interceptions change the possession of the ball.

  • Interceptions can be returned by the defence. New possession starts from where the interceptor is tagged (flag is pulled), unless the interceptor has scored a touchdown.

  • On Interceptions that occur and remain in the end zone, the ball will become dead and will result in the ball belonging to the intercepting team at its 5-yard line.  (Touchback)

  • Should an interception occur in the end zone and the ball carrier leave the end zone, the ball will belong to the intercepting team at the spot the ball becomes dead.

  • Substitutions may be made only after the play is stopped.

  • Ball carrier's flag is pulled or becomes illegal.

  • Points are scored.

  • If a receiver/interceptor has fallen while in process of running with the ball or after catching the ball, the spot where the ball carrier has fallen starts the new play (unless it’s the last down of the possessing team).

  • If a ball carrier's flag falls off, the play will be whistled dead and the ball will be spotted at the spot where the flag fell off.

  • Players are ineligible to catch a pass or receive the ball by hand off toss or pitch, if their flag has fallen off.

  • Fumbles are a dead ball

  • Any number of players can rush the Quarterback. Players not rushing the Quarterback may defend on the line of scrimmage. 

  • Once the ball is handed off or tossed, or there is a play action fake or fake handoff, all defenders may go behind the line of scrimmage. Defenders must still wait 3 seconds before rushing the quarterback. T


  • All penalties are 5 yards. The down will be repeated unless otherwise noted, and will be assessed from the line of scrimmage.

  • Penalties will not exceed half the distance to the opposing team's goal line from the line of scrimmage.

  • Event Hosts determine incidental contact that may result from normal run of play. All penalties will be assessed from the line of scrimmage.

  • Penalties after an interception shall be assessed after the return is over and/or the play is blown dead.

  • The ball carrier cannot prevent a defender from pulling their flags. The ball carrier may be warned (at discretion of the Event Host) and will be penalised if they are found to be flag guarding.

  • Defenders cannot prevent an offensive receiver from catching the ball, however, a defender has the right to catch the ball as well as the offensive team receiver. 

  • A defender found holding or tackling the receiver before the ball reaches the receiver will be flagged with pass interference and the offensive team will automatically be awarded a new set of downs.

  • The Quarterback has twenty (20) seconds in which to get the play off on every down. A play not in operation by the time the twenty (20) second play clock has expired results in a delay of game and a loss of 5 yards and a loss of down.


Traditionally, touchdowns are scored when a team moves the ball down the field through passing and running, then crossing the plane of the end zone. 



A game is started by a kick-off in a forward direction from the centre of the field. You cannot score directly off a kick-off. This is how the game starts at the beginning of the game, half time and after a goal is scored.


 The ball is out of play when the ball has wholly crossed the goal line or sideline. To restart play after a ball has gone out, players must kick the ball in, not throw in. All throw ins are at the Event Host discretion.


 A player may not intentionally kick, trip, jump at, strike, hold, push, elbow, charge from behind or violently charge an opponent. Players should not swear, gesture, or argue with the Event Host or any player. Fouls can be awarded against the player for this behaviour. There are strictly NO slide tackling.


 For the purposes of our recreational league, all free kicks are indirect.  An ‘indirect’ free kick is one where a goal cannot be scored unless another player other than the kicker has touched it. 

Players from the opposing team should be at least 4 meters from the ball when a free kick is taken. The free kick is to be taken from the spot where the free kick was awarded. Free kicks may be awarded for behaviour including, but not limited to the following:

  • Dangerous manner of play 

  • Impeding the progress of an opposition player 

  • Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball

  • Causes unnecessary delays in play

  • Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent

  • Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent

  • Jumping at an opponent

  • Charging an opponent

  • Striking or attempting to strike an opponent

  • Pushing, elbowing or holding an opponent

  • Making contact with an opponent before the ball whilst making a tackle to gain possession of the ball

  • Handling the ball


The ball must not intentionally kicked above shoulder height. This aids passing play, the ball is active for longer periods of time, more players are involved in the game and this limits the amount of unnecessary injuries.


Only the goalkeeper may touch the ball with their arms or hands, and only within the goal area.


In the event of a back pass to the goalkeeper, the goal keeper MUST NOT pick up the ball (i.e. it can only be played by the feet)

“GOAL KICKS” (GOAL ROLLS) “Goal kicks” 

will be in the form of rollout from the goal-keeper. Opponents must be clear of the goal area.  Goal rolls must be a roll (i.e. not an overhand throw) and must be on the ground.


When the ball passes wholly over the goal line and was last touched by a player from the defending team then a corner kick is awarded. Opposing players should be 4 meters from the ball. Corner kicks are at your Event Host discretion.



Play is started by a tap at the beginning of each half, following a try and when a penalty is awarded.

  • The tap is performed by an attacking player placing the ball on the ground, touching the ball with their foot, then picking it up and playing.

  • The defensive team must stay at a minimum distance of 10 metres from the mark during the tap, unless they are positioned on their own score line.

  • The defensive players can move after the ball carrier has touched the ball with their foot.

  • The player who has performed the tap may be touched without losing possession.

  • The attacking side must be positioned behind the ball when it is tapped.

  • The attacking side may move the ball up to 10 metres directly behind the given mark when taking a penalty tap. In this case, the defending side must still remain 10-metres from the original mark, not the new mark.


A point is awarded when an attacking player places the ball on or over the opposition’s try-line. Each try is worth one point and cannot be scored from the dummy-half position. Diving on the try line is strictly prohibited, and will result in the points not being awarded to the scoring team.


A team retains possession for a set of six (6) consecutive touches. Possession (or a Turnover) transfers to the opposing team.

  • after the sixth touch

  • after a try;

  • if the Dummy Half gets touched;

  • from an intercept;

  • a player doesn’t not play the ball in the correct spot after being touched, ‘one step’ is given as leeway

  • from a forward dropped ball, forward pass or other failure to maintain possession


From the tap for the start of game, or from a penalty, the defending team must be at least 10 metres from the point of the tap. After making a touch, the defending team must retreat the distance the Event Host marks, at least five metres from the mark where the touch occurred and stay there until the half touches the ball. 

If a player does not retreat the entire distance the Event Host has marked, or they leave before the half has touched the ball, they are 'offside' and may be penalised. They must retreat backwards from the touch point or play the ball area, not sideways. 

If a penalty is conceded, the defending team must retreat at least 10 metres from the mark of the penalty. If a player makes an attempt to defend whilst still inside the 10 metres, they may be penalised.


 is subject to several restrictions that do not apply to other players:

  • If the Dummy-Half is touched with the ball, the attacking team loses possession.

  • The Dummy-Half cannot score a try, attempting to do so results in a change of possession

  • If the Dummy-Half takes too long to retrieve the ball, or the ball rolls more than a meter in the play, the Event Host can call play on and defenders can move forward before the Dummy-Half has touched the ball.


Kicking is allowed on the 4th, and 5th Touch.   

  • Kicks must be under shoulder height of the Event Host

  • Kicks stay in the field of play, kicks that go out are handed to the opposition team

  • Kicks can be any length

  • Kicks that go in goal and are collected by the opposition team on the full or after a bounce are declared the opposition's ball 10 meters out from the try line.


 is granted to the non-offending team if

  • The ball is passed forward.

  • An obstruction is committed.

  • A player is offside.

  • A defending player does not retreat in a straight line to an onside position.

  • A player kicks the ball over shoulder height

  • A player acts contrary to the rules or spirit of the sport (e.g. time-wasting, using excessive force to make a touch, phantom touch - calling a touch when they clearly didn't make one, disputing decisions, etc)



All Urban Rec leagues, irrespective of skill level, are fun-first. Our Event Hosts facilitate a fun, safe environment for teams. They will acknowledge, coach and make calls according to your level of experience playing the game. Urban Rec leagues expect a certain level of self-officiation, meaning that players are expected to display good sportsmanship to govern their behaviour. Open communication and camaraderie between teams is encouraged.


Urban Rec Event Hosts have the final say on any issue that cannot be self-resolved.

If you are seen to be rude or not playing within the respect of the rules, your Event Host has the right to ask you to sub and take a break. If your Event Host then has to warn you more times then they have the right to ask you to leave the field or court and an assessment will be made if you can return to play. We don’t tolerate idiots, play fair.


Urban Rec seeks to provide a safe, inclusive and happy environment for our members, staff and participants. Gender diverse, transgender and non-binary participants are welcome to play within our leagues along with any sexuality and persons from any background. Urban Rec has zero tolerance for bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment.